Mittwoch, 26. März 2008

Seems it didn't work

There is something I'm searchin' for in all those TV-shows like Star trek, Highlander and the like, but the answer 's never there, not even in the last Episode. The Answer I'm waiting for is sort of the answer to life itself, or at least the purpose of the universe.
But I can't find that on TV. I'll have to start searchin' by myself, but it's a lot of work, damn.

Provided that nobody has ever encountered the answer, at least nobody I now off, the intention of finding it frustrates me, since mankind is quite old and there were many who tried to find it.
But I think I should try. I'm thinking about live and the universe since a very long time, but somewhere on the road I simply forgot about it. Though I can now remember saying myself to forget it, because life should get easier than, so the idea then.
Well, it seems it didn't work out very well. I still need to know what's out there. I hope that resuming asking my old curiosity will be back. I'm missing it badly.
Ok, let's see

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